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History of the Book of Hosea

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Hosea's name means "Salvation". As a prophet of God, he ministers to the Northern Kingdom of Israel which is Ephraim. In this book, God's love for Israel is demonstrated. The life of Hosea and his faithless wife illustrates the loyal love of God towards the spiritual adultery of Israel. Hosea was the son of Beeri and husband of Gomer. He had two sons and a daughter. His ministry spanned from about 755 B.C. to about 710 B.C. Out of all the Old Testament books, this one uses more personal life illustrations to teach his prophetic message.
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Dear Heavenly Father,
As this dear person reads through Your Holy Word, we ask that Your presence be upon them to learn what You desire them to know. May Your Words come alive to them as they draw close to You in this time of reading Your Word at this Online Bible site.
In Jesus' Precious Name,